Thursday 3 July 2014

What is topical steroid addiction and why Evie??

I thought here, I would just summarise briefly, what topical steroid addiction is and why I think Evie has it. When I first read about it, it was like someone had switched on a lightbulb in my head and everything we have all been going though over the last few months made sense for the first time. 

What is Topical Steroid addiction / Red Skin Syndrome?

Its a name used to describe the side effects of topical steroid use.

What are the signs of Topical Steroid addiction?
- Uncontrolable Eczema that spreads 
- Long term topical steroid usage for weeks, months or years 
- Topical steroids have stopped working or you need a stronger steroid to get the same result as the first one prescribed. 
- When you stop using topical steroids you skin experiences one or more of the following - Redness, itching, burning, skin hot to the touch, swelling and/or oozing. 
- After lots of tests your Doctors cannot uncover what is casing the problem. 

All of the above apply to Evie

What are the most common symptoms of Topical Steroid addiction?
These symptoms occur once you have stopped using the steroids. You may experience a few or all of these symptoms. Some may occur only a few days into withdrawal whereas others further into withdrawal.

Red burning skin. This typically appears within a week after stopping topical steroids. It may cover a large area from the start or it may start as a small area, eventually spreading. One classic sign is red skin that stops at the wrist. This leaves the palm unaffected but arms and tops of hands red. It may take weeks for the red arm/white palm to appear as the redness spreads.

- Unbelievable extremely intense itching. Most experience the itch throughout the entire process, not just during flares. The itch feels like it originates under the skin and is difficult to sooth.

- Shedding or flaking skin. Many people find that they shed a lot of skin. You may need to change bed linens and vacuum daily to keep up with the amount of skin flaking off.

- Edema. Swollen skin; swollen body parts containing fluid. Hands often swell during TSW.

- Oozing skin. Ooze may seep out of skin or form in small blisters (vesiculation). You may find a hard crust over your skin – this is ooze that has dried.

- Itchy skin. The itch is unbelievably intense and feels like it originates under the skin.

- Raw, painful skin. It may feel like a bad sunburn and may be sensitive to even the lightest touch.

- Eczema-like rashes spread from area of skin that was originally affected by eczema. You may experience hives, very dry skin, itchy skin, deep cracks, or tiny cuts in the skin even in areas where topical steroids were never used. The skin is one organ so when one area is medicated, it can affect all of your skin.

- Difficulty regulating body temperature. You may experience freezing hands, feet, or body and often get the chills.

- Exhaustion.

- Insomnia or difficulty maintaining a normal sleep schedule.

- Loss of appetite 

- Very, very dry skin that has the look and feel of plastic.

Evie has experienced all of these symptoms at some point over the past few months. Now we are two weeks into withdrawal and she is experiencing all of these again. In a way, as we know what to expect as we have been through this before its sort of easier to manage and deal with. Although still absolutely awful for evie to go through. This is why I am 100% sure Topical Steroid addiction is what Evie has been suffering with all this time.

Source of information from ITSAN Website

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