Friday 1 August 2014

Week five and six full of ups and downs ;-(

Tues 22nd July 
Evie's skin really bad from itching in the night as had such a restless night. She did have a three hour lie in though so that's great she has caught up on some sleep. Gave her a bath this morn but oh my goodness you would think I was bathing her in acid! Screaming and shouting that she didn't want to go in the bath etc etc and acting like a toddler. Of course I understand it hurts and she didn't want to do it but I have to stay strong otherwise id be in Tears too! I did it though and got her in and didn't  loose my temper although had to leave the room a couple of times and count to ten! She couldn't put her wrists in as these are the sorest part at the moment and cried out in pain when even a little bit of water got on them! 

Her skin after a bath is so much better as it gets rid if all the dead flaky skin and she also then gets a full body massage with the cream so that has to be a good thing!! 
After the bath we had a really good day at home and Evie was really upbeat in herself and played with her sister etc. As usual though, just before dinner she got very itchy and tired. We tried tonight a new cream that i got in Boots today which is Zinc and caster oil cream. I applied it almost all over her body as wanted to try something different. So we shall see how her skin is in the morning. 

Wednesday 23rd July 
Last night she was still quite restless and called quite a but managed to lie in for a bit. When she got up she was happy and chilled for a bit then let me wash her hair with no problems! The new cream has really dried her skin out but thinking about it now i remember Zinc being good for the oozing patches so this makes sense as it would dry it up! I won't be using it all over again just on any wet patches! It really is all trial and error at the moment to see what is suitable and helps her so we shall keep trying. Her sore bits are particularly dry and sore still. 

In herself she is good again and in the afternoon we went to the park and she rode her scooter and played at the park. She again didn't want her legs and arms out even though its so hot and i tried to encourage her but still no. To be honest I'm a bit scared of her having them exposed as i know she won't be able to resist the itch!! She did put her jumper on and off a few times when we were out as she couldn't decide if she was hot or cold. 

There was a bit of a turning point this eve though as she called once she was in in bed to say that she is actually hot! This is amazing as she is usually under the duvet as far as she can go feeling cold, even in 25 degrees heat! She is finally feeling the true temperature. I hope it lasts. 

Thursday 24th July 

I slept through the night! I really can't remember the last time this happened! I feel more tired though :-(

We went to my sisters today and Evie was very excited to see her cousins. Before we went she was adamant she didn't want to go in the pool but to my amazement once we were there she changed her mind! I was so pleased although a little apprehensive but she just got right in it! She even put her wrists in which, bear in mind only a day ago she screamed the house down when the tiniest bit of water got in it! Every day is so different! Certainly up one day and down another! Once again she didn't want shorts and t-shirt on but she must be feeling warmer in the body as she was able to get into her swimsuit and not complain of feeling cold. Happy fun day! Yay! 

Friday 25th July

She did play out side in day and went to disco in the afternoon. She joined in a bit but then felt tired so had to sit down. 
Unfortunately she is Going downhill as not as much energy and at night she was weepy behind ears. Perhaps she overdid it yesterday? We shall see what tomorrow brings. 

Saturday 26th July 

Given the chance she would have spent all day on the sofa. Not good. Made her go up for a bath and she popped out with her dad though. She isn't feeling well in herself again and very low energy. Feeling cold again and wants to sit under blanket. 
Bath with Dead Sea salt helped get rid of dead skin. Very dry still. 

We decided today that as we are seeing the dermatologists again next week we will reintroduce egg and then see what they advise to eliminate this time. So for dinner she had normal pasta as i had run out of her one. 

Sunday 27th July 

Once again got up and didn't have much energy. She wanted to just sit on the sofa and watch TV. She did get a bit of energy and we went to her grandparents for a BBQ and she was okish there. Although, she is still not herself and unfortunately i think she is getting ill ill again. Felling cold and shivery but her skin feels hot. Her face is getting dry again.

She went to her cousins party at a soft play place this afternoon and she didn't want to join in until the last half hour as she just didn't a have the energy to. Im glad she did in the end and it was nice to see her playing with her friends. 

I feel very emotional today. Perhaps its because i know its getting worse again. It makes me realise how much she has improved these last few weeks and that i don't want to see her go downhill again as it really does affect us all so much. Although things haven't been great they have been much improved especially as Evie has wanted to join in and play again. I just hate seeing her lounge about feeling sorry for herself as thats not what a six year old girl should be doing. 

Monday 28th July 

She had a really good night the best for a long time and didn't call until 2am! And that was the only call to change her PJ's
She got up today and her face looked really dry and puffy and one of her eyes was more closed than the other. It seems when she gets poorly with a flare up, her face is the place to get bad first and she feels ill in herself too. 

We were meant to meeting up with friends today and when she got up she was keen to still do this but after her bath she just felt too ill to go out so i had to cancel. Its such a shame as this meant her sister couldn't go either as i had to stay here with Evie. 

Its like we are reliving week one again.

Its so frustrating as tomorrow we have the dermatology apt and i wanted her to be looking and feeling good like she has done for the past four weeks! it must just be a flare up again and i knew this could happen and will happen more before she is healed completely. Its just frustrating. 

Tuesday 29th July 

Evie got up this morn after having a particularly bad night and she really looked awful her face is so swollen and puffy she looks so different. Back to square one again unfortunately and today is the Dermatology apt!! I feel so nervous i don't want them to see her like this! 

She could be flaring and reacting like this as she has had egg again? Yesterday she had cake, pasta and a scotch egg! Is it too much of a coincidence for it not to be??!!! Who knows but i know for sure she is not having egg again! We are cutting it out again! 

All morning she spent in our bed watching TV as thats all she wanted to do. I look at the picture above which was only five days ago and she couldn't be more different today. Its crazy how in so little time things can get so worse again. I want that happy fun smiling Evie back. We just have to get through these bad days like we did before and thats what we will just keep on doing until she is better. We have to xxx

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