Monday 14 July 2014

Week three of withdrawal

Day 15 - Evie had quite a good nights sleep and only woke once in the night for pyjama change. So we all woke up feeling quite refreshed! I mentioned perhaps she was ready to go back to school but she said no as a definite so i said maybe in a couple of days. In herself she is feeling a lot better but i think she is still tired from doing more at the weekend as she didn't want to do much today. At one point though she wanted to go upstairs for me to do her nails and for her to do mine but that didn't turn out quite to plan as we both got a bit frustrated with each other!! I think she is getting a bit fed up with being at home and at times so am I! Plus I have a one year old who has to get involved in everything too so it can be hard for us all!

her skin is still very sore and dry and she doesn't even like me applying the cream!

Day 16 - She got up today and asked to go to school! I am so happy! This means she is feeling good in herself again. She had another reasonably good night once she had settled in the evening with only one change of clothes again. Her attitude was great and she was excited to go to school! Her skin still isn't good still sore and very dry but her face looks a lot better and her scalp is improving too.
Didn't bath or wash hair today?!
She didn't seem too tired either after school but still scratching a lot.

Day 17 - Evie had a better night again and woke up ready for school. She is feeling positive and happy! In herself she is so much better. Her skin isn't so bad but still very dry and itchy. I think just using Vaseline on the sore bits is helping. Her head isn't weeping anymore. She is still scratching but not as much. Definately notice it more when she gets tired, upset or anxious. Bath and hair wash this eve

Got her school report today and it truly is amazing! She has done so well considering how much school she has missed this year!

Day 18 - Teachers strike day so Evie is at home and one of her best friends came round to play. The first day she has slept in and i had to wake her at 8.15! Shame I couldn't just let her sleep. Last night after Evie's last call at 11.30 we all slept through till morning! This truly is amazing as this hasn't happened in a very long time. As I had woken her it took a while for her to fully wake up and play with her friend! We then were out and about and she was fine but when we got home she was tired and wanted to just sit and watch TV. She then perked up enough to play again with her friend and was singing and dancing! I just love to see Evie like this as it seems she has been so poorly for so long.

Her skin is very very dry and its everywhere! I get covered numerous times a day and of course I'm hoovering like mad! Its become a bit of an obsession and I love nothing more than seeing how much has come up this time!! Its quite satisfying. Change her bed everyday as its covered too. Because her skin is so dry she is quite itchy and she gets so angry with us when we remind her not to itch which is understandable as i know she just can't stop. I encourage her to scratch through her clothes although she does directly scratch her skin which i hate to see.

Day 19 - Evie went to school again today which is great. Had a reasonably good night and only woke once to change PJ's as she is still sweating at night. Upbeat in herself and keen to go to school. Didn't seem too tired at dinner today but refused to have a bath so we agreed to do it in the morning instead! We shall see! Her skin is still very dry and has also got what look like red spots all over but are itchy. Her face looks pretty good though but her body really bad still.

It's the weekend tomo and on the menu is just to have FUN FUN FUN! As Evie feeling so much better in herself Simon and I just want to have a fun weekend as a family as its been a long time since we have all done that together!

Day 20 - Evie had a lovely lie in till 8.45 which was great! Usually when she can she never lies in so this is a great start to the weekend. Usually she has a swimming lesson on a saturday morning but i thought best to cancel that as her skin still so bad. She has had a good day and had her shower without getting too upset! She then rode her scooter to town and then in the afternoon we went to Drusillars Zoo! She has wanted a hair braid from the hello kitty parlour so as a treat we got her one today! She was very pleased!

Her skin still looks red and spotty but not so dry. What is strange though, is her palms of her hands and soles of her feet have started to shed! Its odd as these are places which have not been affected by the rash? Like blisters in places. Its like all over she is renewing her skin. The skin on her stomach feels very thin and plastic like. Her scalp is so much better too and only a scaly patch right at the base of her hair at the back.

Day 21 - She had another lie which is great she is hopefully catching up on some of her sleep she has lost over the last few months! She was well again in herself and we all rode our bikes to the beach. She did really well but got a bit tired so we had to come home for ice cream instead of having it on the seafront. She was happy to wear shorts and a t-shirt as up until now she has wanted to be covered up. Although her skin still looks awful as red dry and spotty i think it did it good to get some air to it. 

Notes  Not going to the toilet much at all. Drinking ok but this is probably due to the sweat.
Still doing an egg free diet and going well but not sure if its helped her skin yet as obviously we are going through withdrawal! 
Her patience is very low at the moment and she will try and get out of anything she doesn't want to do! Very winey which is understandable really.

Thank goodness for chocolate to get me through this! Im going through it like mad! 

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