Wednesday 13 August 2014

Dermatology Appointment - So Frustrating!!!! Arghhh!!

This post was originally called "I hate Dermatologists" but i thought that was a bit harsh! 
Originally written a couple of weeks ago but I've only just been able to look at it again as its been a tough couple of weeks. I will do an update in the next few days about the last couple of weeks. 

Last Dermatology Apt in June At our last appointment in June we explained about topical steroid withdrawal and although she couldn't obviously agree with us she did say she knows of two other people who have done this and that as a Specialist Dr she has to promote steroids as thats what is used to manage the symptoms of eczema. We felt she had listened and respected us as adults to make our own decision as to what to do for Evie but she couldn't let us go away with nothing to treat her if it got really bad so gave us a prescription for Protopic cream and another type of steroid. She also went through the allergy tests and recommended cutting out egg first and then wheat and possibly dairy but we would see how she got on at the next appointment and go from there. We left this appointment feeling positive and hopeful and that we had a little support from her. We also had a plan for the next step in Evies care. 

Todays appointment 
Ok so writing this i am feeling very frustrated and angry right now after Evie's appointment today. We may as well have gone and sat in a room on our own for 20mins or watched paint dry as we got nothing out of it and it was a complete waste of time. I wanted to poke her in the eye! Unfortunately the main Dr that we saw last time wasn't there so we had to see a Registrar who doesn't know Evie as well. 

We went over the last few weeks and that we haven't used steroids and are doing it all naturally and have cut out egg as thats what was advised before. And our theory that maybe giving her egg has made her face flare again. 

From the last appointment there was meant to be an urgent referral to the Dietician but we haven't heard and she basically said oh there is a huge waiting list and basically we will just have wait. I said well we have figured it all out so far ourselves so we will do it again! 

She also went on about how we will probably never find a trigger for Evie's eczema and come back in 100 years! great help! and that only 5% of Eczema is dietary related which i really don't believe. 

We also went over why we are not using the steroids creams etc and how well Evie has been in herself the last few weeks and that she has only been ill again the last couple of days but I get the feeling she didn't believe us! As Evie looks and feels so bad she just took one look at her and thought she is having an awful flare up of her eczema and you guessed it said we need to be on steroid creams. 

She managed to be little us and write off all of our hard work for the last few weeks and it made us both feel so angry. She wasn't interested in anything we had to say and instead answered all our questions with text book replies with no empathy or emotion. Talked down to us as if we were stupid. 

This was an appointment to review and see how she has been over the last five weeks but all she saw was how she looked today and didn't listen to what we had to say. I just so wish Evie looked like she did five days ago when she was happy and playing in the pool!!!

My husband and i both strongly expressed our feelings about not wanting to use these creams again and that in the past nine months they have not helped Evie at all as have stopped working and seem to be making her poorly rather than better. 

Today made me question myself again in are we doing the right thing? But i then came to the conclusion that we have done everything they have told us to for the last few months and nothing has changed. Even if we were on the steroides now this would still be happening and Evie would still be getting ill. My theory is that we have nothing to loose and all to gain as eventually these nasty steroid toxins will be out of her body once and for all and we can finally treat just the eczema and find the root cause of it. 

We just want someone in the medical profession to support us in our choice as we, her parents know her better than anyone one else. We have tried every cream going to no avail so next step natural! So far i haven't found a Dr in the UK who recognises and supports TSW but I'm going to keep looking. There is just so many people going through this it seems just crazy its not more well known about. 

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