Thursday 24 September 2015

Evie's treatments so far!

Here i thought i would summarise everything we have used to help Evie through her withdrawal over the last nine months. Hopefully things we have tried on Evie will help others going through the same thing. 

Vasaline - all she was able to tolerate when skin was really sore for the first couple of weeks 
Talcum power - for weepy scalp 
Diprobase - Moisturiser 
Aveeno - Moisturiser first couple of weeks 
Zinc and caster oil - good for oozing patches but applied to body it dried it out too much!
Grape seed oils weeks 7-9 - This was recommended by our Homeopath and Evie loved it as combined moisturising and massage. Oil is great as it gets absorbed into the skin straight away and we did see some improvement from this. 

Alternative therapies  
Chinese medicine 
Light therapy - This was amazing and she had this at the Hospital for three months in months 5, 6 and 7 of TSW. I don't think it would have helped at the beginning when her skin was oozing but a few months in, her skin was a bit less sensitive but still looked sore. We saw a fantastic improvement at the end of the treatment then it was a road to recovery!. 

Bath - Dead sea salts, Porridge oats, Dermol 
For the first two weeks baths eased her symptoms but two weeks in and they were unbearable until week six at least. By week eight she tolerated baths again and had to have one every day. 

Diet changes  - We stopped egg and then reintroduced it and her face swelled up and puffy at week six. As Wheat and egg came up as the top two allergies in a blood test we started a gluten and egg free diet and this has also dramatically  helped and improved her skin. We continue to maintain this and will do so until we can gradual introduce wheat again to see if she can tolerate it although we are scared to do this!

Antihistamine - For the itching at night although wasn't very affective. 
Paracetamol and Ibruprofen - For aches and pains 

Seen a Dietician 
The Dietitian helped in supporting us with Evies Diet and making sure she was getting a balanced diet etc. She also suggested reintroducing wheat gradually to see her tolerance level. 

September 2015 and over a year on from when she first started TSW Evie doesn't even use moisturiser ever day, just as and when needed. She is able to do everything she wants to again including swimming and has just taken up football at school and her first match was in the poring rain and it didn't even affect her skin! Ive stopped worrying so much and am a lot more laid back about what she does and doesn't do. She does get the odd patch here and there but we don't panic or worry anymore, we can deal with it. I know she will never be as bad as she was when going through TSW and I take comfort in the fact that she will never use steroids on her skin ever again and any Eczema that appears is just eczema and I'm sure with time she will grow out of it like 'they' always said would happen! 

SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK when I cleaned out Evies drawer! It make me feel so upset and shocked when i saw how many steroid creams we had! Obviously they all ended up in the bun. 

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