Monday 30 June 2014

Week one of withdrawal

We have also this week started an egg free diet for Evie as tests have come back positive for egg allergy!! It's been fairly easy so far but maybe that's because she is off her food a bit. She is also positive to wheat so that's the next thing to eliminate if no luck with egg!

Days 1-4 - The first few days of withdrawal started of with itchy, smelly and weeping scalp which got progressively worse over a couple of days. Evie was very unsettled at night time complaining of the weeping. I used talcum powder to try and dry up the patches as a quick fix and to make her more comfortable. 
She was well in herself and still able to go to school and even rode her bike one day. 

Day 5 - Dramatic decline in her well being. she was feeling pretty awful after having a particularly bad night as hardly slept. She didn't feel well enough to go to school so I kept her at home and she didn't move from the sofa as didn't feel up to it. Her skin started to get the red rash all over and her head was still weeping. 

Days 6-7 - Bad nights sleep again and she was feeling a lot worse than the previous day. Hot sweats but she feels cold in herself but hot to touch. Skin red and getting very dry. Evie's skin is very sensitive to the slightest touch. Very low energy and did not move from sofa all day. Trouble getting to sleep that night. 

She has bathed and washed hair every day this week as it relives her slightly. 

My feelings this week

Although I know we are doing the right thing I am feeling very emotional about it all. It's so hard to see Evie suffer so much like she did before and go through it all again. We are doing all we can for her but sometimes it's just not enough and we are at a loss as to what to do to help her. It's especially hard when she is crying in pain when we are just applying moisturises to her skin or when she is just so frustrated at feeling so poorly. This weekend my husband has spent time with Evie whilst I go out and entertain our other two children. They miss their Evie a lot and I know my other daughter desperately wants her big sister back and happy again. At times I feel guilty for having fun with them when I know Evie can't join in. But one day soon they will all be happy together. It's very early days but we will get there xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie - Aunty Alison here - just a thought - have heard that vitamin D is a great healer. Most people don't get enough! Might be worth looking on the internet, as high doses are needed. Thinking of you. xxxxx
