Thursday 20 November 2014

Update on Evie!

Phew!! Things are still good!

Well its been a couple of months since my last post which i apologise for! Sorry its been so long! But like they say no news is good news and thats certainly how it has been for Evie! I am so happy to report that Evie is still doing great and its such a relief and pleasure for us all to see her finally well and being a normal seven year old again! 

It was a year ago that things started to take a turn for the worse for Evie and her eczema and back then i never imagined it could get as bad as it got. Poor Evie really has been through it but finally a year on she has come out the other side and I'm sure it has made her a stronger person inside and out and I am so so proud of her. I remember the days when she was at her worst she would cry in pain and sob saying "its not fair why have i got eczema, why me" i would tell her to repeat over and and over whilst holding her hands tightly "i will get better, i will get better, i will get better" and sure enough she did. There were some very dark hard days back then and those now seem like a life time ago. 

I think Evie has only had one day off of school since going back and that truly is an achievement. I know when she first went back to school it was very hard for her at times but she did so so well and has gradually got back into the swing of things and her confidence is growing and she is becoming the social little girl again that she was before. 

Michael jackson gloves are no more!

Last time i wrote i think i mentioned her hands were really sore but these are so much better now. I got her some cotton gloves but these became the next security item for her and she couldn't go or do anything without them! So we had got rid of the blanket and now had a new problem with the gloves! Im sure they helped her to begin with but in the end we decided they weren't helping her hands heal and they needed air. We kept telling her and so did family, friends and doctors to take them off now but she didn't and it was frustrating for us to see her suffering but not taking our advice! Well I'm not sure what changed but one day she decided she would wear them half a day and then take them off and thats what she did and then eventually didn't need them at all any more! So well done Evie she made her own decision about them and it really paid off!! 

Next thing to tackle is her going out to play at school! She goes out for a bit but we need to get her out all the time! The problem is she likes staying in with the ladies in the office as she just loves helping them! After all the problems we have had this truly is a minor one and it is just great to see her happy again. We will tackle this like we have everything else! 


Skin wise its looking great and she isn't red anymore. Amazingly it looks like normal skin and no scarring at all. Her face and torso are completely clear now and she only has a few patches on her ankles and wrists which is where she scratches sometimes in the night but this is nothing compared to what she had before. Occasionally her face gets a bit red but i think its more her skin reacting with the environment. 

At the moment we just use epaderm cream or ointment on the dry and sore bits only and don't put it on her 'good' skin. She is also having phototherapy twice a week at the Hospital but this is something i will write more about on my next blog "Evie's treatment so far". 

The future is looking bright! Roll on 2015

We are so looking forward to Christmas this year and Evie feeling and looking better. I think we will forget about 2014 as not a great year for us at all! (apart from moving house!) Im just so glad I found out about Steroid addiction and ITSAN website and stopped the drugs when i did as if i hadn't Evie would probably be on Immunosupressants now and a cocktail of other drugs. The thought of that scares me. No more drugs for my Precious Evie xxx

HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR!! Sorry I know its early but I'm so looking forward to it this year!!! Yay!!  

My Next post will be on here in the next few days which will be about Evies treatments. 

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