Saturday 19 July 2014

Week Four summary

Day 22 - Evie had quite a restless night. Had to go into her a few times for the usual problems, hot, hair up or drink. She Woke up though happy and wanting to go to school. Remained happy when she got home and didn't seem too tired.  Skin very dry still but not so red as yesterday. 

Day 23 - 27 - We have all had a very busy week as end of term etc so i haven't had time to record every day this week but they have all been pretty much the same. She is still ok in herself but skin still really dry and very itchy. Unfortunately the nights are getting worse again with her calling more frequently for change of clothes or that she is just uncomfortable. It doesn't help that its so hot at the moment and I think a lot of people are having trouble sleeping due to the heat. 

Evie wore a summer dress to school one day this week and it was lovely to see her in it again! However, she didn't want to wear it again! At the moment she doesn't like having her skin exposed and prefers to wear long sleeved tops and leggings to stop her itching directly. She has been happy to go to school this week and has been positive and happy after school too. 

Its so strange though as although it is ridiculously hot outside she is still cold in herself and often wraps herself in a blanket on the sofa. This is one of the symptoms of withdrawal that they can't regulate their body temperature and with Evie this is quite a significant symptom. Also the intense itch that she has is very common. I just hate watching her scratch but at time i know she can't help it. 

Im am a bit worried, as today (Saturday) she woke up and was slightly weepy behind  the ears and before bed she was feeling ill again. I just hope its down to tiredness as she has had a busy week and its not the start of a flare up again? We shall see tomo but already she is very unsettled and we have had to go into her a lot of times already. Could be another long night, but hey we are used to those by now! We are off to Legoland tomo so i really do hope she will be ok and up for it.

Please send Evie lots of itch free vibes and I just hope she isn't going downhill again. At least it's the summer holidays now  so she doesn't have to worry about school for a while etc xx


  1. Hi..your story just like daughter 4 y.o also getting all the symptoms like ur daughter..I just want to know about the treatment u give to her..thank u..

    1. Hi Im sorry to hear your daughter is going through the same thing but I'm sure, like me, its good to finally know whats wrong. The main thing we do is keep the skin moisturised and to begin with we used Diprobase but now use just Vaseline. We used for the first time tonight Zinc and caster oil cream which i got in Boots so ill update soon on my blog how we get on with that. I also make sure she bathes or showers a lot to stop infection and we use dermal 300 in bath and sea salt. I wish a quick recovery for your daughter
