Monday 14 July 2014

Recap of last few weeks and how far Evie has come already!

I can't believe how far we have come in such a short space of time! Looking back now to week one she was so poorly in herself and i wasn't feeling very positive at all about this whole process and i questioned whether i was doing the right thing or not. 

The last couple of weeks have been hard but i think they are gradually getting easier as we all learn how to deal with Evie and every day is a step closer to being itch and steroid free! We have been getting up with her in the night for such a long time now so it just seems the norm but it is getting less frequent so i am sure one day we will all sleep through the night! I live in hope! 

Its been particularly hard as I've had my two other children to look after as well (a four year old and one year old). I have to still do the usual care for them as well as look after a poorly Evie so at times its been very hard to stretch myself three ways! All I want to do is look after my big girl Evie! But they have been so patient and good considering! 

We are Going to Legland on Sunday and at the start of this process i really thought she wouldn't be up to going but i think she will be ok. Although she still has bad skin its such a relief that she is well in herself again and will be able to enjoy it. 

Biggest change is that she is more upbeat and happy in herself and getting on better with her sister and she is not spending so much time on the sofa under a blanket! She doesn't feel so cold in herself as much as she did but when she does her body still feels hot. Her Skin is the next challenge as its still very very dry, sore and spotty. 

I know we still have a very long journey ahead of us to take control of her skin and we will still have ups and down but so far i think we have all done a very good job especially my little Evie xx What a true star she is xx

          Week one                              Week three

I think you will agree from these pics she has improved in the face already. Redness and swelling has gone and she is starting to get the sparkle back xx

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