Thursday 3 September 2015

Woo hoo we made it! One year of TSW!

Wow can't believe we have made it but we are one year in! One year without steroids!
Its been tough but we stayed strong and it was the best decision we have ever made. Going against what the doctors were telling us to do was hard in the beginning and seeing Evie suffer so much was hard too, but it's paid of and I'm so pleased to say WE were right!
Evie still has what I call 'normal' eczema but we can deal with that! Nothing compared to how Ill she was whilst on steroids and going through withdrawal. She is also on an egg and gluten free diet and this helps keep it under control.
To all of you starting your journey stay strong it does get better and you can be happy and itch free again xx

Here are some amazing pictures to show what a difference a year makes!

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